Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Simon's immersion assembly

Today was the first day back at school and our new focus is Guardians of the galaxy . We got ready for our assembly. As we walked into the school hall we saw stars on the roof. We sat down in our seats and got ready for our teachers items. BOOM the lights turned off and the stars looked beautiful with the lights off.

Team 1 played a movie on the big screen. It was about the teachers going out of space in there cars and checking out planets and how it works. So what team one is going to look at out of space this term.

Team 2’s focus is about the sun and the moon and planets. They played a movie about the teachers in space. They were exploring planets and looking if there was anything interesting about the planets.

Team 3’s focus was about time and seasons. They had a movie as well it was about time and what they do daily. It was pretty funny.
Team 4’s focus is about getting spaceships into space and wondering if there is oxygen on other planets.

Team 5 is the last team and there item was amazing. They did not play a movie because they did a live act. So team 5s focus this term is to learn how the moon changes the tides.

The most informative presentation was probably Team 1s because in their video it shows the teachers in their flying cars flying to space. They visit the sun and the moon and other planets.

The things I'm going to like about this term is studying about space, and looking at how spaceships and other things work in space.

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