Friday, 6 May 2016

Simon harry's war

Week 1 Reading Task

Text: Harry’s War by Mark Derby (School Journal L3 June 2014)

Using the text, create a short letter from Harry to Ted. In this letter, Harry is going to tell Ted that the war is over.

Think about:
  • How Harry feels at this moment in time.
  • How Harry believes the other soldiers feel at this moment in time.
  • What Harry misses the most about home.
  • What Harry is least looking forward to on the trip home.

Dear Ted,

I am really stressed out and tired. I have been training and shooting guns and it is really hard. All the soldiers are feeling scared and worried and even I am feeling scared. I miss my farm and my warm bed and all the animals. I am looking forward to coming home because I will be able to see my family.

From Harry

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