Friday 14 September 2018

Little red ridding hood ( Real story )

Little Red Riding hood (the real story)
Once upon a time in a ordinary neighborhood there lived a girl named little Red. She likes to skip around and deliver milk to peoples houses. But one day her mother told her to deliver some milk to her grandmother. Little red got her school bag and walked out side. The day was fine there wasn't one single cloud in the sky. She smiled and started skipping.
Little red skipped through the city, up the mountains and rowed through the river. All little red had to do was go through the scary dark forest. She stopped her skipping and started to walk slowly through the forest. She looked left and right and started walking. The Forest was known for huge wild dark scary bear.

Little red walked slowly through the forest. She heard a loud scary loar. Little red started to run but the bear was right behind her. Ohh no the bear caught her and swallowed her without chewing. Luckily a hunter was near and heard the loud roar as well. He ran to the bear and shot it right in the stomach. Little red came sliding out of the stomach with slither all over her. Her milk was nicely left next to the tree but she gave the milk to the man who saved her life.

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