Thursday, 15 October 2015

My Holiday.

In my amazing holiday me my brother and my awesome mum and dad went to pick up my cousins from out west on Tuesday. It was a cool drive. We saw trees animals and also houses. Finally we got there I jumped out of the car and raced to the front door I   knocked loudly. We went to there house because we wanted to go special places with them like mission bay and other places like that.

They opened the door and said hello with excitement. The had all of their things in there hands. They ran to the car and put everything in the boot we all said by and left. We arrived at our house and went inside and watched a little bit of TV. After all of that we went to get dinner we got fish and chips. And ate it at mission bay.

We got out of the car and zoomed to there awesome part they had. We were playing like animals. It was Fun. My mum shouted dinner time.!  We had a race and who ever gets to the table first is a winner. You now I'm just fast so I already won. We sat down at the table and said our prayer before we ate. We finished saying our prayer so we ATE. I had a hamburger and 2 sausages. My brother and my cousins went to the beach to play.

I was still at the table eating my food. With my mum and dad. I finished and I went  down to the beach and we were playing skims with rocks and shells. After all of that we ran down to the park we played at the park for a little while before we went home. My brother was getting bored so we went home. We jumped into our pyjamas and jumped into bed. We watched stand by me I don't think you have seen it but it is cool. I fell to sleep straight away and had no dreams. The next day we got ready to take my cousin's home.   

I liked going out places with my cousins because its fun.





  1. Hi Simon it me Jaylim i really like how you used lost and lost of vocab.

  2. Hi Simon i really really liked how you were talking about what you did in the holidays


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